The role of the size and number of index lesion in the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer in patients with PI-RADS 4 lesions who underwent in-bore MRI-guided prostate biopsy
Development and external validation of the STRATified CANcer surveillance (STRATCANS) multivariable model for predicting progression in men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer starting active surveillance
Can we rely on available models to identify candidates for extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection (ePLND) in men staged with PSMA-PET? External validation of the Briganti nomograms and development of a novel tool to identify optimal candidates for ePLND
Multi-parametric MRI-targeted biopsy compared to systematic TRUS biopsy for biopsy-naïve men at risk for prostate cancer: 2 year follow up data and economic analysis
Adverse pathology of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. Summary after 7 years and 1500 patients since introduction of mpMRI-guided biopsy in a real world setting
Can intraoperative nerve monitoring improve functional outcomes after unilateral- or non-nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy – a randomized clinical trial